Our Providers’ Thoughts on Depression

Naturopathic Iridologist

The severity of Depression can range anywhere from reactive, to persistent (dysthymia), to manic. There is also postpartum, PMDD and Seasonal. The signs that you may be suffering from Depression include a change in sleep patterns, a change in appetite or work performance, feelings of impending dread, lethargy, loss of interest or withdrawal, lack of concentration or thoughts of death or suicide.

As a Natural Health Professional, I have learned that one of the main causes of Depression is a physiological response. There are many possibilities for these chemical and/or hormonal imbalances. The main ones are: a weakened nervous system or Liver, Adrenal or Thyroid weaknesses or a combination of factors. Certain foods can not only wash B vitamins from the body depleting the nervous system, but can also over stimulate the adrenals and upset the gut where Serotonin (the “feel good” neurotransmitter) is produced.

While certain conventional treatments can have side-effects such as sexual dysfunction, nightmares, homicidal and suicidal thoughts, paranoia, and a dulling of emotions, there are countless natural ways to help the body get back into balance. As someone who suffered with depression since the age of 12, helping clients is not only based on my education, but also my personal experience and I can tell you that getting the proper nutrients can make life enjoyable once again. So if you are reading this, please realize that there is hope so please seek out help today!

Structural Chiropractor

Dr. Slagel here. At Structural Spinal Care, we do a highly specialized procedure called NUCCA, where we correct shifts in the head and neck that are putting pressure on the brainstem. We have published multiple research papers on the effects of NUCCA on depression. If a shift of the head and neck are the major contributing factor to someone’s depression, then correcting that shift of the head and neck and getting the pressure off the brainstem will help with that depression.

Here is a helpful link regarding the some of the research NUCCA has done surrounding depression:


When there is pressure on the brainstem from some type of accident or injury to the spine, it can effect the body in a few ways that may lead to depression.

  1. The body is not functioning in a neurologically normal way, which means the hormone regulation will be tampered with, and in some cases, the resulting hormone imbalances can result in depression symptoms.
  2. When the head and neck are shifted out of place, it interrupts the normal CSF (the fluid in the spinal cord and in the skull that the brain sits in) flow between the spine and skull, resulting in poor CSF drainage out of the head and increased pressure inside the skull, altering certain aspects of brain function, especially pituitary and hypothalamus function, sometimes resulting in depression symptoms.
  3. When the head and neck are shifted out of place and there is pressure on the brainstem, then many times there is pain, sometimes severe, and sometimes chronic. When someone is in pain for a period of time, many times this can lead to a state of depression.
  4. When the function of the brainstem is tampered with, it can lock the body in the fight or flight response, which is what we call Sympathetic Overdrive. In this state, the body cannot rest and relax, which begins to cause anxiety and depression symptoms over time.

If you or someone you know suffers from depression, feel free to contact our office to see if it is being caused by brainstem pressure. On the first visit to our office, we will be able to tell if you do or do not have brainstem pressure and the amount we believe it may be impacting the depression symptoms.

Visit our website for more information: structuralspinalcare.com

Success Coach

Depression can be overwhelming. Unless you have experienced depression you will not fully know what someone is going through. What we do know is science has proven excess stress makes depression worse. Harvard mind-body Institute has proven that if you reduce stress you can reduce symptoms.

How do we reduce stress?

As a success coach this is the first thing that is addressed. Self-awareness can be profound on the body‘s response to stress. Here are some proven methods to start seeing results right away.

  1. Breath-Focus on your breath throughout the day . During excess stress your breath gets shallow, which means less oxygen. When you feel anxious or stressed take 3 slow deep belly breaths and bring your breath back to its normal state. A calm breath reminds the body that it is safe.
  2. Next increase your level of self-awareness. Take the time to sit down and write out all of your stressors throughout your day and week. Identify which experiences are pushing you into the stress reaction. Look through your list and see which activities you can eliminate. Your health depends on it. Try slowing down a bit and make sure your needs are being met. Make sure you are honoring yourself and taking care of you.

You are worth it. Ask yourself. If not now when?

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